
Showing posts from January, 2021

Life Goes On

Your eyes say it all Like a lover waiting for a call We spark like a firework in the sky Beautiful, warm, and flies high I forget that anything can happen No matter how strong our connection fasten All the sweet days turned into a reminder We ever celebrated this world together May time heal any wounds And let go of all disappointment I promise to keep moving forward Though every fighter knows it's hard But, as my idol said, That life goes on So, let's live on! Bekasi, 8 Jan 2021

2020: Stay Alive

“Kalender 2020: Januari, Februari, Pandemi, Desember.” @Fahrrur_ on Twitter That tweet is funny yet quite precise to describe how time flies so fast in 2020, a year when the COVID-19 pandemic began. And I could say it’s probably true. It’s the new year already. Thus, I want to leave notes on how I went through 2020.   1.        Stay alive I used to think that we, as human beings, must do better than the previous year, and must achieve more and more in life. The pandemic struck and changed the way I perceive life. It’s a bit hard to sum up this year into one conclusion; Are we doing better? Doing worse? Or going nowhere? Well, 2020 had its ups and downs, a year of uncertainty and absurdity. All we got to do was save ourselves first. Thus, I decided to direct myself to do only one thing in this crazy year: Survive . I put aside the definitions of so-called “improvement”, “achievement”, "resolution", you name it, and just keep in mind to stay healthy, both ...

Belajar dari Alam

Seperti beberapa manusia lainnya yang ga tau mau ngapain di rumah selama pandemi, saya pun ikut-ikutan berkebun. Dimulai dari menggarap lahan di atap rumah. Dari semua penjuru, tempat inilah yang paling cocok dan memungkinkan untuk bercocok tanam. Lahannya ga terlalu besar, sekitar 5,5 x 3,5 meter. Kegiatan ini saya mulai sejak bulan Juni 2020. Selain ilmu tentang bercocok tanam, saya ga nyangka ada banyak pelajaran hidup yang didapat selama proses berkebun ini. And I’m happy to share it to you.   1.        Sabar, semua ada prosesnya “Kok ga tumbuh-tumbuh?”, “Kok belum berbuah?”, dan sederet pertanyaan menggebu lainnya. Selama berkebun, ini pelajaran paling besar buat saya pribadi: bersabar . Saya seperti diingatkan kembali agar kita tidak hanya melihat hasil, tapi juga memahami tiap proses yang sedang berjalan dan mampu menghargainya. Semua punya waktunya masing-masing. Waktu mulai berkecambah, mulai muncul daun, mulai berbunga, sampai mulai berbuah. Begi...