
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Art of Friendship - Kinan

“Git, pokoknya ceritain dari lo dapet visa sampe balik lagi ke Indonesia.” adalah komen paling genuine yang pernah gua denger dari seorang sahabat. Gua baru balik liburan dari benua sebelah, dan Kinan excited banget buat denger setiap detilnya. Jujur, di titik ini, gua ngerasa terharu, dan menyadari betapa berharganya punya seseorang seperti Kinan dalam hidup gua. So, here we are, seating in a cozy cafĂ© near Sudirman Station. Gua mulai cerita petualangan kemarin, dan beneran HARI PER HARI, sambil sesekali nunjukin foto dan video dari galeri hp. Gua nyerocos kaya kereta cepat Thalys biar semuanya tersampaikan, but sharing a detailed story of 21-day trip was not easy, hahaha. “Harusnya gua bikin PPT aja ya, sambil kasih foto, jadi lebih gampang nunjukinnya.” Kami pun tertawa. Kalo dipikir lagi, it’s a good idea tho! Gua dan Kinan ketemu saat kuliah, kami satu jurusan dan satu peminatan. Banyak momen yang kami lewati bersama sebagai mahasiwa. Salah satunya—dan yang akan selalu gua ing...

2024: A Wolf in Me

This year, I grew as a person and saw the world a little differently. Despite everything that happened, I’m grateful for the presence of love in my life.   Health journey In February, I got hospitalized for 5 days due to ISPA (upper respiratory tract infection). It started when I felt pain all over my body and nerves, and then got fever. At first, I thought it was typhoid, as I had been hospitalized sooo many times for it when I was a kid. However, the lab results confirmed ISPA. Never ever in my life I got this illness. But I tell you, it was awful! I still don’t know where I caught the virus. My assumption is from a work visit to BSD a few weeks before. They said BSD is the most polluted city in Jabodetabek, but who knows. Another health issues I faced was my wisdom teeth. There was one whose position was really deep and difficult to remove. After 3 hours of extraction, my dentist decided to stop. A small part was still there, so I needed to come back 3 months later. The post-sur...